How can pressure washing improve your allergies?

As summer begins to wind down and fall swiftly approaches, we find ourselves squarely in the midst of another rise in allergy struggles for many Cincinnatians. Plant and other organic material is dispersed into the air and shifting temperatures mean rain storms and higher winds become more frequent. All of these things mean our bodies become more sensitive to allergens in the air than usual.

For many homeowners, it’s a battle to do whatever you can to mitigate these factors. From closing the windows in your home to changing the filters regularly in your HVAC system, there are a number of chores you can complete that will help prevent allergies from running rampant in your home. One task you may not consider, however, is pressure washing.

If you contact Kings of Clean to perform pressure washing in your home, you could see a number of benefits, including reducing possible allergy impacts. Pressure washing sidewalks, siding, and even the outside of your gutters can curb the growth of mold and mildew around your home. These near microscopic plant species release various spores into the air, which when circulated into your home and lungs, create a number of health hazards, allergic reactions included. By using our professional pressure washing service, you ensure these surfaces receive a proper care and cleaning that using a personal machine just cannot provide. This ensures it will take longer for the mold or mildew growth to come back. (Sadly, the face that these spores are incredibly common means that you can never really be 100% done with this growth)

Additionally, it’s worth noting that other allergens like pollen can accumulate on some of these surfaces and eventually works it’s way into the circulation of your home.  Professional cleaning removes this buildup and ensures it’s properly disposed of. Again, personal power washer models are lucky if they just dislodge this material and blow it around your yard. 

If you and your family are battling allergies this season, give us a call today to schedule a cleaning! You’ll be surprised at what a difference it can make!