How to Keep Your Gutters Looking Like New
Although time-consuming, keeping your home looking nice year round is a priority. Landscaping, cleaning the siding and degreasing the driveways are all tasks that keep your house looking great and they protect your biggest investment: your home. So, what should you do if you notice your gutters aren't looking as good as they used to? Maybe the gutters are starting to look a little dull. Is there something you can do to bring them back to life? Will you have to replace them? Well, there certainly are several things you can do to help make your gutters look better. As a matter of fact, replacing your gutters should only be done if they are severely damaged or due for a replacement. Here are some of the options you have to make your gutters look good again.
Time for a Thorough Gutter Washing
Gutters are usually made of aluminum or galvanized steel. Additionally, they can also get some type of treatment or cover to help protect them from corrosion. Even if your metal gutter is working properly, sometimes their finish starts looking dull, or tartar builds up on it. This makes them look like a bit of an eyesore in your otherwise well-kept house. In this case, the best thing to do is to hire a professional to complete gutter washing. This consists of brushing the whole gutter with a soft bristle brush. This way any buildup is physically removed from the metal, and it looks good as new. If your gutters are vinyl and they started looking dull due to the UV rays, then you only option may be painting them. But depending on the condition of the vinyl, this may not work so well. The good thing is that vinyl gutters are the least expensive and the easiest to install.
Use a Gutter Cleaning Product
If your gutters aren't in terrible shape, this might be a good option for you. Gutter cleaners are fairly inexpensive and they're easy to apply. Some bottles are even designed to be applied with a hose. The way they work is that they have a chemical that softens up the build up on the metal finish so it can be wiped away easily. The pressure of a garden hose is usually enough to get this done. If more power is needed, you can also use a gutter cleaning wand. Using these products is a great way to prevent your gutters from getting dirty. So if your gutters are looking good at the moment, you should use this method to keep them this way. Although many of the products you see at your local hardware store advertise that they can get rid of even the toughest gunk, this might not always be the case. If you don't see any major problems having to do with gutter cleaning such as buildup, leaks or any other problem, you should use these products as a form of preventative maintenance. They could end up saving you money and time but there is no better way to care for your gutters than to hire professional gutter cleaners on a seasonal rotation.