Why Should I Pressure Wash My Deck? Slip and Fall Prevention.
Slipping and sliding across your deck may seem like fun, but for those of us who tend to fall… well, it isn’t. Wet, grimey surfaces are a hazard and, in some cases, a lawsuit waiting to happen. The best way to protect your deck, others and yourself, is to hire a professional to pressure wash your decks throughout the year.
Pressure washing the surface of your deck or patio can provides aesthetic benefits, and also decreases the chance of a bad situation.Despite best efforts to stop the build up on outdoor surfaces, it tends to happen naturally. Weather, foot traffic, usage or aging can all relate to how often the build-up can happen and how often you should have your deck treated. The buildup can consist of mud, dirt, oil, food and drink spills, mold, and algae. Those are just a few examples of potential layers that can cause the danger of a slip and fall situation. Without treating the build up, these conditions can expose you, your family, customers, or visitors to a pretty bad fall.
As we mentioned earlier, pressure washing your deck flooring reduces your legal liability as well. If customers frequent your business, treating walking surfaces in the summer is just as important as putting out salt in the winter. You may not be able to see all of the dangerous surface areas, but they are an unnecessary risk.
Cleaning your deck will also prevent issues that may not be easily identified by the naked eye. If you do not properly maintain your deck, mold and algae can grow and damage wood planks by causing cracks or warping. Pressure washing now will save you from a hefty deck repair bill down the road.
From fall prevention to deck upkeep and even looks, there are many reasons to call Kings of Clean for a professional deck cleaning. Don't put it off!